Officially the WORST flash ive ever seen
This is the worst flash ive ever seen in my life. I cant count one good thing about it. Usually other flashes that are worse provide entertainment with how bad they actually are, so you at least get a few laughs out of it, but this was just bad. The song sucked, the graphics sucked, the style sucked, the humor was nonexistant and stupid. Anything that could provide any type of entertainment was just completely nonexistant.
PS: Why are you such a cocky asshole? Im sure you'll respond with some shit like "Ok you say that the flash is horrible while everyone thinks its good. You're obvoiusly jealous becuase you're flashes dont have a 4.07 even though they're extremely better than mine. You have no idea what youre talking about becuase everyone else thought the music and graphics were exceptional. And you're only 14 and wont understand the obvious complexity of the underlying hilarity in this movie that only us elites will notice. If you dont like my movie, you dont understand it, making you ignorant. My superiority to you is obvious becuase i made a movie and you didnt like it" Stfu you stupid bitch.